The cyber environment is essential to our daily life and comfort, but when we take a look at the cyber threats to organizations today, we realize that “The battlefield is here". Daily attacks occur — from hackers, organized crime, terrorists, and national security agencies. The goal of the attackers is to intercept and manipulate IT systems in order to gain profit, information, political advantage, or military advantage. Government agencies, critical infrastructure, and financial organizations are some of the more attractive and valuable targets today. As we depend more and more on IT services for command and control over our systems, for bringing eServices to businesses and customers, and for storing our information, we are exposed more and more to the growing threat against cyber infrastructure.
The RDeYe strategic cyber protection team offers its expertise in overcoming cyber warfare, cyber terror, and cyber crime attacks. We develop cyber security solutions that are customized to the particular threats and needs of large organizations confronting various levels of cyber threat, such as governmental agencies, critical national infrastructure, the financial sector, and public transportation, telecom, and enterprise companies.

Strategic Cyber Security Concept - A complete overview of cyber security strategies
Strategic Advisory services at the executive level – We analyze the organization’s core cyber assets (infrastructure, services, data) and the risks from cyber threats (crime and cyber warfare scenarios), assess the organization’s vulnerability, and define cyber security solutions.
Strategic Cyber Security Plan – We analyze the customer’s current physical & logical cyber infrastructure, assess the corresponding threats of reference, define the core assets, and provide a new cyber security concept.

Cyber security project implementation – End-to-End CyberDefense Shield solutions:
Architecture design
Project Management
Implementation of security application systems
Development of tailored cyber security applications and procedures
Training in all cyber team tasks: SOC/SIEM (CERT), forensics, “Red Team”

Cyber Intelligence & Early Warning
With many years of experience in intelligence warfare, we base our security concept on an intelligence direction. Our research team provides our customers with updated cyber intelligence regarding cyber threat developments and threat alerts, and with analysis to keep them ahead of the threat. Our intelligence services include:
Early Warning – Creation of an early warning system to detect attack attempts against the client’s organization.
Research Reports – Client briefings on main issues in the cyber security world such as new exploits, recent cyber attacks, etc. (Monthly / Single Research).
Exposure Research – Study of the client’s online exposure level.